The Enigmatic Electronics club has started a Robot Fighting League called SyberSlam!
Below is the introduction video to SyberSlam. Here we talk about the platform everyone
is starting with and what we are trying to accomplish. The base for our robots were
bought from Wal*Mart for $10. Here is where they can be bought on Amazon for just a little more.
We got the idea to do this from a YouTuber we follow named GravityRoad. She had posted
a video of her at a competition called HeboCon and you can view that video here.
We got the idea to do this from a YouTuber we follow named GravityRoad. She had posted
a video of her at a competition called HeboCon and you can view that video here.
Here is what the SyberSlam Trophy is starting to look like
Here is the build progress video of some of the combatants.
Here is another build progress video of Steele machining some parts for mounting better wheels
SyberSlam #1 Competitors that have posted pictures on our Facebook page
Highlander Prime
The Educator
We are hoping to start battling these robots in June or July so make sure to subscribe to our
YouTube Channel Here and check out our Facebook Page Here
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